Date: Wednesday, August 9, 2023 mass start at 10:00 am |
Venue: Parc Naturel du Lac-Jérôme, |
GPS coordinates: 45.78564459, -73.98081719 |
Parking: Parking lot beside the soccer fields |
Terrain: Classic Montreal terrain, mostly flat with a few larger topographic features and an extensive trail network |
Map Scale: 1:10,000, Contour interval: 5m, Map size: 8.5 x 11 inches, Mapper: Dmitri Golovanov 2021 |
Emergency bearing: West to residential area |
Distance arena-start: Same location |
Water controls: None |
Washrooms: None |
The event is a score-O with a handicap system. For those of you who have participated in Orienteering Ottawa’s Summer Solstice series, the format is very similar.
There are a total of 36 controls on the course. Competitors will have 1 hour to collect as many controls as they can in any order. Control difficulty ranges from novice to advanced. Each control is worth 5 points. Competitors will lose 2 points for every minute they are late. Competitors who “clear the course” (see below) will gain 1 point for every minute they are early.
Competitors who plan on visiting more than 28 controls will need an SI card 9 or newer, contact the registrar for rentals.
The Handicap System
Each competitor is assigned a handicap based on their age and gender. A competitor is considered to have cleared the course once they have found all available controls minus their handicap. For example, with 36 total controls on the course, a competitor with a handicap of 6 would only need to collect 30 controls to clear the course. Once a competitor has cleared the course, additional controls will not be counted. The purpose of the handicap system is to even out the field so in theory anyone could win, be it someone in M10 or F90.
Handicap points:
Age class Male Female
10- 10 10
12- 8 9
14- 6 8
16- 4 7
18- 2 6
20- 1 5
21 0 4
35+ 2 6
45+ 4 8
55+ 6 10
65+ 8 12
75+ 10 14
80+ 12 16
85+ 15 19
90+ 18 22
The event is a mass start, all competitors (except TCP athletes) will be given one minute before the start to look at the map.
Thank you for supporting Team Canada!
Event directors,
Robbie Graham and Eric Kemp